Thursday, January 26, 2012

versus :)


And now i`m done with Versus..rasa macam tak nak habiskan sebab sayang.tapi,nak tau ending die cepat-cepat.Hehehe. Meh nak buat sinopsis. Sinopsis ke?more to macam ulasan buku la. Haha,,its all about versus in our life. Everyone will have their one turning point in their life.Someday turning point tu akan berlaku jugak dalam diri kita kan.
.....bukan mudah untuk berubah
dari tanpa arah ke sejadah,
dari tepi jalanan ke sujud menghadap Tuhan....
Its about change. From bad to baik. From baik to better. How does `baik` tu means?ahaha..baca sendiri lah ok.:) Before nie orang duk bising create topik ape beza pompuan pakai tudung and tak pakai tudung. Tak semestinya pompuan pakai tudung tu baik and tak semestinya pompuan tak pakai tudung tue jahat. And i get explaination yang memuaskan dalam buku tue. Haha..buku nie bukanla buku agama ke ape ke but it is good. Good for one who want to change. :)
  • Its hard to change.Left our life behind.and its been harder to keep it up.Baca buku nie really touch my heart la. Ahaha..the best novel fromHlovate so far.Sape yang baca Hlovate`s je faham how the book is.Hehe..macam crazy toward Hlovate dah nie..keh3..One word to describe=great!Keep it up la with ur good writing.
♥You`ll never reach perfection because there`s always room for improvement.Yet all the way to perfection you`ll learn to get better♥

oke :) pen off

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